
April 30, 2020  •  2 Comments

snow showers. We kept getting snow (and rain) this month. Now I have three colors of wild violets around my yard: yellow, white, and purple. So let's revisit April.

First April 11:

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Then April 19:

This spring is hidden in the woods, but back in the 1800's it watered a farmhouse and barn. The cellar hole is behind me.

April 20, starting with the gorge of Five Kezars, then Five Kezars, and ending in North Waterford.

And lastly April 30, today, showing how much snow is left on Baldface.



Ethan McNerney Photography
The cottage is just on the edge of the White Mountain National Forest within 100 yards of the New Hampshire and Maine state line. It has been there further back then I can remember, but I don't know who owns it.
Nice pictures! Whose red house is that in the picture? I like it!
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