It was disappointing to miss the spectacular northern lights last Mother's Day, but here are some from a recent family camping trip Downeast. I was packing light so only brought a Nikkor 18 mm f/3.5 AIS lens for the D750 and the 15-45mm for the Fuji. All images are processed RAW files set to Daylight white balance in Lightroom 6.14.
Just after sunset:
Keep watch for the Big Dipper in many of the aurora images. Many times you will see the Milky Way again and you might catch a few meteors although I missed the brightest.
The next of from the main part of the campground (Cobscook Bay State Park).
We couldn't see these colors, but we could see streaks and a brightness in the sky. It took the long exposure of the camera to reveal the aurora.
From the campsite:
The next night the aurora wasn't quite as bright, but it was still nice.
And the last image over the playground.
This one seems to have a part of the trail of a meteor.
There are a couple more experimental images that aren't posted here. If there is interest, I can post another.