The swamp in winter

February 10, 2020  •  3 Comments [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

It looks like coyotes were investigating at this beaver lodge. You may be able to see where the snow has melted near the top of the lodge indicating that it is occupied. We'll have to ask Leigh Hayes about that. [email protected]

Around the bend in the distance is Kezar Lake. [email protected]

Speckled Mountain on the horizon with just the top of Blueberry Mountain below and to the right.


Ethan McNerney Photography
My sister joined me so I used the tilt screen and live view on the D750 to get a low perspective of the snow pants. A nice red contrast to the blue. The sky was that pale blue after the storm, not the crisp, dark almost high elevation blue that we get sometimes in the cold.

I carried the Nikon that day with just the 24-120 because I have a good holster case for it to keep under my coat and the controls are a little easier to operate with heavy gloves.
Christine in Maine(non-registered)
I especially enjoy the photos with a contrasting blue sky.
Nice photos! And nice snowpants! :)
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