Mount Eisenhower

December 31, 2020  •  1 Comment

The Presidentials received some snow this fall, but as happens often, most of it melted. This allowed for the perfect opportunity to climb Mount Eisenhower by way of the Edmands Path. This isn't a rugged trail which makes it popular. It is great to get above the treeline again.

In a sheltered section of the trail there was some lingering snow and ice.

Looking toward the north: Mount Jefferson is on the left, but Franklin blocks Mount Washington from sight in this photo.

Looking toward the southeast. That is Kearsarge on the left horizon.

The long-established Crawford Path winds its way along up Franklin and on towards the summit of Mount Washington.

Pleasant Mountain in Denmark and Bridgton, Maine shows up on the horizon here.

I like that single cloud.

A little pond below the summit of Eisenhower. There were so many hikers at the top that all you get to see in this post is photos of the view.

And heading back down.


The way the sun lights the path in that first good!
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