Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Old-fashioned lilacs -- I have always been challenged by trying to get the lilac color to display well on screen. These appear too red on my screen still, what about yours?
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
The northern Presidentials seen from Berlin, New Hampshire. There is still some snow up there. The lower elevations are covered with that new spring green.
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Mt. Forist hems in the city of Berlin, NH on the southwest side.
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Evans Notch, White Mountain National Forest, Maine
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Wild River and a footbridge across Wild River in Evans Notch. The river lives up to its name in the spring. There used to be a suspension footbridge here, but is has been replaced a number of times after being washed out.
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Ethan McNerney [email protected]
Serious chop on Long Lake in Naples, Maine. This was taken during a photo shoot for Lake Living Magazine from the Causeway in Naples.